. Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg


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Art und Inhalt
1. PersonFehras Publishing Practices [Herausgeberin/-geber]
2. PersonDarwich, Kenan [Herausgeberin/-geber]
TitelWhen the Library was stolen : On the private Archive of Abd Al-Rahman Munif
[is part of the project »Series of Disappearances« that examines the relocation of knowledge due to the displacement of libraries and books. It follows their ways within socio-political changes in the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa ; Exhibitions a
Band/DatumFehras Publishing Practices
Umfang/Seiten93 S.+ unpag.
Spracheengl. / arab.
Personendaten anzeigenFehras Publishing Practices
KörperschaftenDocumenta (15. : 2022 : Kassel) ; Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben (Berlin) ; Villa Romana (Körperschaft) ; Lettrétage
Signatur10 Aus 1 - KAS - doc / 17 / idt66540

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